How to Create a Restaurant Business Plan

April 23, 2023 — Cloudwaitress

Knowing how to create a restaurant business plan is the first step toward turning your culinary dream into reality. Starting a restaurant can be a rewarding but challenging endeavour. And a well-crafted business plan serves as a roadmap for your restaurant’s success.

To create a restaurant business plan, focus on target market analysis, competitor analysis, menu design, and location selection. Develop a marketing strategy, outline your operational structure, and provide detailed financial projections.

Seek professional advice to ensure accuracy and feasibility. Consider your restaurant’s team, customer service policies, and supplier contingencies to strengthen your plan.

This blog post will discuss the critical components of comprehensive restaurant business plans. And it will provide you with valuable insights and guidance to help you establish and grow your business in the competitive food industry.

What is a restaurant business plan?

A restaurant business plan is a comprehensive document outlining your vision, goals, and strategies for launching and running a successful restaurant. Serving as a roadmap, it ensures that your dream of owning a restaurant becomes a reality.

A well-crafted plan should be detailed enough for anyone, including potential investors, to understand your vision and intended steps toward success.

Business plans can vary in structure and length, from a single-page lean startup plan providing a high-level overview to an extensive document covering every aspect of your concept. As your restaurant grows and evolves, update and expand your business plan accordingly.

The primary purpose of a business plan is to establish your intentions and direction. It helps define your unique selling points, market positioning, target audience, and marketing strategies. Moreover, a robust plan is invaluable for securing business loans or attracting investors.

Creating a business plan for a restaurant minimizes risks. And it sets your venture up for success, demonstrating thorough research and consideration of your restaurant concept, increasing the likelihood of long-term success in the competitive foodservice industry.

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Why is a restaurant business plan necessary?

Learning how to create a restaurant business plan is crucial for ensuring the success of your eatery. Aspiring restaurateurs need to pay more attention to its importance. Moving forward without one can lead to costly mistakes and hinder your venture’s success. A comprehensive plan serves multiple purposes:

Clear roadmapA business plan offers an organized guide for navigating the complexities of launching and running a restaurant, helping you stay focused on your vision and goals during challenging moments.
Attracting investorsA solid plan is often required to secure funding from investors or silent partners, demonstrating your ability to execute your vision and giving them confidence in your venture.
Standing out in a saturated marketWith many restaurants competing for customers’ attention, a detailed plan helps identify unique selling points and establish a clear strategy for differentiating your restaurant from the competition.
Ensuring profitabilityYour plan outlines how to generate revenue and turn a profit, providing a clear path to follow as you work toward financial success.
Comprehensive planningA thorough plan ensures no aspect of your restaurant is overlooked, covering everything from location and menu to marketing and financial projections, giving you a complete picture of what it takes to succeed in the industry.
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How to create a restaurant business plan

The following is a detailed, step-by-step guide on how to create a restaurant business plan. Each section represents a crucial portion of any good restaurant business plan, and none should be omitted. However, including additional sections may be beneficial.

1. Presentation

The first impression of your restaurant business plan starts with a visually appealing cover page that displays your brand identity. To create a professional and memorable cover, follow these guidelines:

  • Logo: Include your logo on the cover, even if it is not yet finalized, as it represents your brand and sets the tone for the document.
  • Date and contact information: Display the date your business plan was created or last updated, along with your name, business address, phone number, and email address, for easy accessibility.
  • Brand fonts and colours: Utilize your brand’s fonts and colour palette to create a cohesive and consistent look throughout the document, reinforcing your brand identity and enhancing visual appeal.
  • Professional presentation: Ensure your business plan is professionally printed and bound, with a high-quality cover that showcases your brand’s logo, fonts, and colours, reflecting your attention to detail and commitment to presenting a polished, well-thought-out plan.

2. Executive summary

The executive summary is vital to your restaurant business plan, providing a concise overview of your concept and vision. It introduces your business plan and captures the most essential information for potential investors or partners.

Ensure your executive summary captures your restaurant’s essence and generates interest in your project.

When learning how to create a restaurant business plan, ensure you include these critical elements in your executive summary:

  • Mission statement: Articulate your restaurant’s goals, objectives, and core values to convey your purpose and driving force.
  • General company information: Offer details about your company, including founding date, team roles, and locations.
  • Category and offerings: Describe your restaurant’s category, cuisine, and reasons for your choices.
  • Context for success: Highlight past successes or financial data supporting your growth and profitability potential.
  • Financial requests: Outline plans and goals for investment or financing and any funds already secured.
  • Future plans: Share short and long-term visions, detailing goals for the next one, three, and five years.

Write the executive summary last to draw important highlights from each section, ensuring a comprehensive overview.

After writing, read it independently to confirm it provides a clear, high-level view of your restaurant’s current state and future vision. Make it engaging and informative enough to encourage readers to explore the rest of your plan.

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3. Restaurant description

The restaurant description section introduces your company and provides a comprehensive overview of your vision. Engage and inform readers by showcasing your unique concept and critical success factors.

The following elements should be included in your restaurant description:

  • Basic information: Provide your restaurant’s name, location, contact details, and owner’s information with a brief overview of their experience.
  • Legal standing and goals: Describe your restaurant’s legal structure and outline short and long-term objectives.
  • Market study: Offer a concise analysis of the regional food industry, demonstrating market trends and why your restaurant will succeed.
  • Concept and mission statement: Detail your restaurant’s concept, cuisine, service style, and unique features, incorporating your mission statement to convey core values and vision.
  • Management and roles: List key management team members, their roles, and any advisors or consultants supporting your venture.
  • Service style and ambiance: Describe the service style, restaurant size, seating capacity, décor, music, and general ambiance.
  • Operating hours: Specify the days and hours of operation.
  • Peripheral services: Mention additional offerings like retail products, delivery, takeout, or catering options.
  • Unique selling points: Highlight aspects that set your restaurant apart, such as locally sourced ingredients or special guarantees.
  • Physical space: Discuss plans for the restaurant’s layout, including design elements, lighting, and seating arrangements.
  • Brand identity: Describe the emotions and atmosphere your brand will evoke and how this will be reflected in décor, colour scheme, and online presence.

4. Target market analysis

Understanding your target market is critical for defining your niche and differentiating your restaurant from the competition. In this section, describe the demographics you plan to cater to and why your concept appeals to them.

Consider including the following to create a comprehensive target market analysis as you investigate how to create a restaurant business plan:

  • Target market definition: Describe the specific audience you intend to serve, including age, income level, occupation, and other relevant demographic characteristics.
  • Buyer personas: Develop detailed personas representing your ideal customers, incorporating their lifestyles, dining habits, preferences, and pain points, to tailor your restaurant’s offerings and services.
  • Market appeal: Explain why your restaurant concept is attractive to your target audience and how it addresses their specific needs and preferences.
  • Competitive landscape: Acknowledge the competitive nature of the industry, highlighting unique features and strategies that set your establishment apart from others in your target market.
  • Customer behaviours: Discuss your target market’s dining habits, including dining frequency, preferred times, and special requests or preferences (e.g., dietary restrictions, quick service).

5. Competitor analysis

A thorough competitor analysis is essential to understand the competitive landscape and identify opportunities for differentiation. In this section, examine your competitors, pinpoint their strengths and weaknesses, and explain how your restaurant will stand out.

To conduct a practical competitor analysis, consider including the following:

  • Competitor identification: List similar restaurants in your area, considering factors such as pricing, hours of operation, menu offerings, and ambiance.
  • Strengths and weaknesses: Analyze each competitor’s strengths and weaknesses, focusing on customer reviews, reputation, menu variety, service quality, and marketing efforts to identify market gaps and areas for your restaurant to excel.
  • Differentiators: Highlight unique features and strategies that set your restaurant apart, such as innovative menu items, exceptional service, extended operating hours, or a distinctive atmosphere.
  • Industry overview: Provide a brief overview of the restaurant industry in your area, including trends, challenges, or opportunities that may impact your business, emphasizing your restaurant’s unique value proposition.
  • Competitive matrix: Use a competitive matrix to visually compare your restaurant’s offerings and services with competitors, helping you and potential investors quickly identify your competitive edge.

6. Overview of the market

In this section, you will comprehensively analyze the restaurant market, focusing on micro and macro factors that can impact your business. By showcasing your understanding of the industry, its trends, and potential challenges, you will demonstrate to investors that your restaurant is well-positioned for success.

We recommend including the elements in your market overview when learning how to create a restaurant business plan:

  • Industry information: Begin by discussing the restaurant industry as a whole, including its size, growth trends, and recent developments. Consider factors such as changing consumer preferences, demographic shifts, and emerging dining concepts that may affect your business.
  • Market share potential: Estimate the potential market share your restaurant can capture and explain how your presence will impact the market. Be sure to mention any barriers to entry or growth that you foresee and outline your strategies for overcoming these challenges.
  • Market pricing: Detail your pricing strategy and explain how it compares to your competitors and other restaurants in the market. Highlight any unique pricing structures or offers you plan to implement to attract and retain customers.
  • Local and regional economic conditions: Analyze the economic climate in your area and discuss how it may influence your restaurant’s performance. Address both positive and negative trends and explain how your restaurant will adapt to these conditions.
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7. Sample menu

A well-crafted sample menu provides insight into your culinary offerings and sets the tone for your establishment’s ambiance and brand identity. To create a compelling and appealing sample menu, consider the following aspects:

  • Menu design: Reflect your restaurant’s brand and concept in your menu design, incorporating your logo, theme-appropriate elements, and consistent colours and fonts. Seek assistance from a professional designer or use online resources if needed.
  • Pricing: Base menu prices on a detailed cost analysis, demonstrating your understanding of your budget and ability to offer competitive prices.
  • Menu descriptions: Craft short, evocative descriptions tailored to your target audience, using language and terminology that resonates with them.
  • Menu psychology: Apply principles such as using simple numerals without dollar signs. And avoid dots or dashes between menu items and prices. Use design elements to highlight profitable items and guide customers through your offerings.
  • Collaboration with your chef: Work closely with your chef to develop a menu showcasing your restaurant’s unique selling points and culinary expertise, ensuring your offerings cater to your target customer base and stay true to your concept.

8. Restaurant location

Choosing the right location is vital to your restaurant’s success. And it’s an essential part of discovering how to create a restaurant business plan. This section outlines ideal or potential locations and describes factors making them suitable for your business.

  • Potential locations: Mention areas you’re considering and explain their suitability, highlighting demographics, nearby attractions, and factors attracting your target market.
  • Connection to target market: Establish a link between the “Target Market” section and your preferred location(s), ensuring alignment with your ideal customer base.
  • Site selection criteria: List essential criteria for selecting a location, including square footage, parking, outdoor seating, foot traffic, accessibility, and proximity to complementary businesses.
  • Market analysis: Conduct a thorough market analysis, including demographic statistics, local industry, economic outlook, traffic counts, and residential or business populations. Utilize resources for detailed, accurate data.
  • Comparison to target market characteristics: Assess the viability of your restaurant in the chosen location by comparing market conditions with your targeted characteristics.
  • Points of interest and nearby businesses: Describe surrounding neighbourhoods, attractions, and area businesses contributing to your restaurant’s success, such as popular attractions, complementary establishments, or residential areas.
  • Location details: Provide specific information about each potential site, including square footage, floor plans, design, and parking availability. And include other relevant information to visualize your restaurant in each location.

9. Marketing strategy

A well-planned marketing strategy is essential in the competitive restaurant industry. Outline your marketing approach, including pre-and post-opening buzz generation and ongoing efforts.

  • Cloudwaitress ordering system: By driving all customers to order via Cloudwaitress, a direct ordering platform for cost-effective order automation, you’ll be saving your business money and setting yourself up for success.
  • Pre-and Post-Opening Marketing: Describe your plan to gain traction before and after the launch, mentioning PR/marketing companies or independent promotions through social media, websites, and media connections.
  • Positioning: Explain how you’ll present your restaurant, establish a unique brand identity, and stand out in the market.
  • Promotion: Detail marketing tools, tactics, and platforms, such as social media, email marketing, events, and partnerships.
  • Sales: Describe strategies to drive sales for specific items and additional revenue streams like catering.
  • Advertising: Consider print and online ads, social media, and local TV and radio commercials.
  • Public Relations: Outline PR efforts, including local newspapers, magazines, events, and community involvement.
  • Social Media: Highlight plans for customer engagement on social media platforms for customer service and promotion.
  • Community Involvement: Explain building goodwill and loyalty through community events, charities, and supporting local organizations.
  • Building Business Relationships: Describe forging strategic partnerships with local businesses, hotels, and other establishments to boost visibility and revenue.
  • In-house Marketing: Discuss plans for in-house promotions, such as table tents, menu inserts, suggestive sales, and loyalty programs.
  • Web-based Marketing: Detail strategies for website, internet, and social media promotion, online discount programs, and user review management.

10. Restaurant team & operational structure

The success of your restaurant relies on a strong team and a well-defined operational structure. This section outlines key personnel, their expertise, and daily functioning.

  • Team Introduction & Experience: Introduce essential personnel, mention renowned experts, and highlight their relevant work experience and achievements.
  • Organizational Structure: Present an organizational chart, list key staff positions, and describe the staffing plan, including recruitment strategy and hiring criteria.
  • Customer Service & Staff Training: Outline customer service policies, staff training programs, employee handbooks, and tools for ensuring exceptional guest experiences.
  • Point of Sale & Systems: Detail plans for POS and systems to manage sales, inventory, labour, cash control, payroll, and payment processing.
  • Suppliers & Business Structure: Identify sources for essential purchases and explain your chosen business structure and the reasoning behind it.
  • Management, Operations & Systems: Discuss management team, hours of operation, location advantages, supplier relationships, and systems for smooth operations, such as operating manuals.
  • Daily Operations & Customer Service: Summarize day-to-day operations, job functions, ordering and receiving, menu production, service, safety procedures, and maintenance. Detail plans for maintaining service standards and handling customer complaints.
  • Supplier Contingencies: Explain backup plans for replacing key suppliers or dealing with product shortages, ensuring a resilient operational structure.

11. Financials and projections

The financials and projections section provides a comprehensive overview of the financial aspects of your venture. Consider engaging a professional accountant with restaurant experience for accurate estimates and projections.

  • Investment Plan: Outline the initial investment sought and allocation of funds in the first year, including equipment, furniture, payroll, legal fees, marketing, and working capital.
  • Projected Profit and Loss (P&L) Statement: Create a P&L statement based on educated guesses, considering factors like size, target market, and competition. Utilize an interactive P&L template.
  • Break-Even Analysis: Present a clear break-even analysis, showing monthly revenue needed to cover expenses, accounting for variable costs, and plans for generating required revenue during slow months.
  • Expected Cash Flow: Analyze anticipated cash flow, considering factors like inventory purchases, staff size and payroll, and payroll schedule to reassure investors of sustainability during less prosperous months.
  • Multi-Year Projections of Revenue and Costs: Provide accurate projections based on market research and actual expenses, looking at one, three, and five-year benchmarks. Be realistic and conservative in estimates.
  • Financial Plan: Present a detailed financial plan, including a projected profit and loss statement, capital requirements budget, and break-even analysis.

Include Cloudwaitress in your restaurant business plan

Don’t overlook the importance of a reliable point-of-sale (POS) and delivery system when creating a restaurant business plan. Cloudwaitress offers a comprehensive suite of features that streamline your operations and enhance the customer experience.

The platform caters to various customer preferences with versatile order types and ensures a smooth ordering process. These include pickups, deliveries, dine-in, room service, and table bookings.

Cloudwaitress’ advanced order management system allows you to accept orders anytime. You can also track order fulfillment and automate wait times, ensuring an efficient workflow.

The platform also offers a seamless ordering experience, with features like order history, express check-out and real-time customer order receipts. And its delivery management tools enable you to optimize your delivery operations. These tools allow for accurate delivery wait times, delivery zoning, customizable pricing, and more.

Incorporating Cloudwaitress into your restaurant business plan will set your establishment up for success. Its powerful features make it the ultimate partner for your restaurant’s POS and delivery needs.

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Wrapping up how to create a restaurant business plan

Learning how to create a restaurant business plan is essential for attracting investors and securing funding. It’s also a vital tool for guiding your venture toward success.

If creating a business plan from scratch seems overwhelming, you could always start with a restaurant business plan template. You could also view a restaurant business plan example to better understand what should be included.

Consider seeking professional advice and feedback from experienced restaurateurs, accountants, or consultants to ensure the accuracy and feasibility of your plan. With dedication and careful planning, you can make your dream of owning a thriving restaurant a reality.

Check out more restaurant business resources:


How often should I update my restaurant business plan?

Update your business plan annually or when significant changes occur, such as new competition, market shifts, or significant operational adjustments.

What role does market research play in creating a restaurant business plan?

Market research helps you understand your target audience, competition, and industry trends, enabling you to make informed decisions and create a viable business plan.

How can I make my restaurant business plan more appealing to investors?

Present a clear, concise plan with realistic financial projections, a strong marketing strategy, and a unique selling proposition that sets you apart from competitors.